Hello & welcome to Stephen’s webpage. Stephen is an Applied Glass Artist based in Wrexham North Wales and specialises in designing and producing abstract Cast, Fused and Painted glass.  In 2018 he obtained a 2:1 Degree  BA(Hons) Applied Arts at Glyndwr University, Wrexham.


About Stephen

Stephen has always found glass art to be interesting.  The way the colours flow together or a flash ray of sunlight can light up a Church or Cathedral or strike on fused glass to shed a colourful abstract reflection that lets the colours tell their own story.  He enjoys working with primary colours that have a jewel like quality.

Stephen’s journey began with the purchase of a simple leaded glass Panel from Findhorn whilst on holiday in 2004.  He followed up this interest with a glass course at Yale College in Wrexham in 2005.  Over the next few years, he  progressed learning about all the various skills and techniques needed to enable him to produce his own Glass Pieces.

Stephen spent quite a few years experimenting and selling the Glass work he produced to local outlets including the Glass studios at Glassblobbery near Corwen in North Wales.

An opportunity presented itself to enable Stephen to progress and study with his contemporaries at Glyndwr University gaining a BA (Hons) Applied Arts degree specialising in Glass.  Participating on the Degree Course developed his skills in Design and expanded the range of techniques he can use to create and produce a wider range of Glass Art as demonstrated with the varied cast glass pieces included in his final degree show.

This website shares and introduces some of the Glass Pieces Stephen has designed using traditional techniques and materials.  If you would like to Commission your own unique piece of Glass Art please click here for more information

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